Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Asking the Questions Behind the Questions

We all know it’s true. Every project is important and we need to start delivering those deliverables as soon as possible.

But – and this is a BIG but –

Before we start asking questions outside of the organization (consumers,

Partners In Exploration

Being invited to ask questions is to be in a position of exploration, of curiosity, the place of possibilities and discovery.

I find it empowering and freeing – knowing that the answers will come, will reveal themselves in time.

Partners In Exploration


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Working Less While Producing More

I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to do work that I love with clients that I respect and enjoy.

In recent years I have also been blessed with a steady stream of new engagements that keep me fixed

Curiosity as a Career Path

An interesting thought occurred to me recently.

I get paid to be curious.

In its simplest form, my job as a qualitative researcher means having conversations with people – conversations where the questions I ask and the answers people share

Living in the Questions

In turbulent times, we can easily feel overwhelmed.

Social tensions. Incredible technological advances. The accelerating rate of change.

It often seems as though we have many more questions than answers.

Perhaps that’s the point.

Rainer Rilke

I don’t want to get all

Corporate v. Creative

As a society, we love setting up false dichotomies. Because really, what’s easier to deal with (and write off) more quickly than good vs. bad, black vs. white, science vs. religion, bacon vs. the vegans? These never serve us well

Musings on Active Listening



So often, in our daily lives we ask questions without really caring about the answer (“Hi, how are you?”) or sometimes we’re so clear on what we want the answer to be that we hardly even listen for it.

Core Values

As a consultant, I reflect important truths back to my clients – who they are, what they care about, how they’re doing, how they might change. These are truths that seem like they’d be self-obvious, but they’re not. Honest awareness


Sage Baker Consulting has a new look to complement our curiosity, enthusiasm and forward-reaching purpose. Please, have a look around! And don’t hesitate to get it touch if we can serve you in any way.

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